Raiders Hockey Club offers our members the following programs:
- Community Hockey – U7 to U21 (Junior C)
- Flames Community House League – NCHL – U9 and U11
- Intro to Hockey – open to players who want to try hockey (ages 4 to 9)
- Spring and Summer Development Camps
Hockey Calgary also offers the following programs in addition to what the Raiders Hockey Club offers:
- First Shift – Try Hockey Programs
- Junior Flames Program
- Elite Hockey
- Female Hockey (GHC)
- Recreational Hockey Calgary (RHC)
Here is a comparison of the RHC, House League, and Community programs:

For more information on the Community Hockey game play guidelines, please go to the link below:
Game_Play_Guidelines.pdf (
Community Divisions
The U7 (Timbits) program is a mandated program in Calgary for the Initiation division for 5 and 6 year olds. The program focuses on skill development and the FUNdamentals of the game for the players, coaches, and parents. It is an environment in which children can learn the basic skills without the distractions that are often associated with an over emphasis on winning.
The U7 (Timbits) Program and its rules and regulations are all outlined within the Timbits Program Guide found on the Hockey Calgary website.
The Raiders U7 (Timbits) program begins in September and runs until mid-March. Players will be placed on either a Junior team (5 year olds) or a Senior team (6 year olds). In some instances, due to registration numbers, there maybe mixed teams combining 5 and 6 year olds.
The September and early October dates for ice time will vary but will then be followed by a set schedule of dates for ice times. Once the schedule has been generated, the set dates will be announced for the U7 (Timbits) program with ice times rotating amongst the U7 teams. Our goal is to provide ice at either Crowfoot Arena or Vivo.
Full hockey equipment is required including a practice jersey to start the program. The equipment list to outfit your child can be found in the “Resources” tab on our website or on the Hockey Calgary website click here .
For players age 7 and 8, this league focuses on skill development and the fundamentals of hockey. The purpose of this league is to address the need for more skill development in the U9 age category. Our goal is to provide a positive environment for learning the fundamentals of hockey and to stimulate interest and desire to continue playing the game of hockey.
The U9 division is one where associations promote coach, parent, official, and player education during the season. Each player will be evaluated fairly and placed on a team where they are best suited to further develop their skills. Teams are limited to when and how many games they can play. As a result, players will practice more and play fewer games (half ice) to increase their skills compared to other age Divisions.
U9’s will typically have 2 practices a week and 1 game per week. Practices are assigned by the Raiders Hockey Club and practice days/times will vary throughout the week. Games are assigned by Hockey Calgary and game days/times will vary throughout the week. Practices schedules are released after the game schedule is released by Hockey Calgary. Tournament play, fundraising, cash calls, and other such items are decided at the team level.
This is the HOCKEY CALGARY INTRO TO HOCKEY GUIDE , which explains the U9 program in detail and the many benefits of half ice hockey.
Other Resources and Information:
- U9-DL Resource Guide (PDF)
- U9 Rink Divider Board System Procedures (pdf)
- U9 Rink Board Responsibilities Schedule (pdf)
- U9 Manager/Coach/Scorekeeper In-Game Cheat Sheet (pdf)
- U9 Hockey Hub YYC Gameplay Guidelines (pdf)
- U9-DL Goaltender Rotation Form (PDF)
- Video Guidelines for U9 (Novice) Half-Ice Games
At U11, players begin to a play a more traditional hockey format. Games use full-sized nets, black pucks, 5v5 hockey, and the full length of the ice.
U11 follows the Hockey Alberta and Hockey Calgary Player Pathway .
Players (except goalies) are not yet able to declare a position. Instead, they are expected to rotate through all positions.
Goalies may choose to register as either a Hybrid Goalie or a Full-time Goalie. Hybrid goalies must evaluate as both a player and a goalie and are expected to play in both positions roughly half the time throughout the season depending on the access to other goalies on the team. Full time goalies evaluate only as a goalie. Full time goalies may only play as a goalie and may not play as a player. For questions on which path is right for you, email our Goalie Coordinators at or .
U11’s will typically have 1-2 practices a week and 1-2 games per week. Practices are assigned by the Raiders Hockey Club and practice days/times will vary throughout the week. Games are assigned by Hockey Calgary and game days/times will vary throughout the week. Practices schedules are released after the game schedule is released by Hockey Calgary. Tournament play, fundraising, cash calls, and other such items are decided at the team level.
Body Checking is not permitted at U11/U13. An option to participate in body checking hockey becomes available in U15.
In the 2022/23 season, Hockey Alberta introduced the U11 HADP (Hockey Alberta Development Pilot) league, which will continue this season. For details see the Hockey Alberta U11 HADP webpage.
Please note: Raiders do not have a tryout process specifically for HADP. Our process is our standard evaluation process for all U11 teams including HADP. There are no tryouts for HADP.
At U13, players follow a similar format to U11, except now goalies must declare as Full Time Goalies, and Players must declare either as a Forward or a Defence. Hybrid Goalies are no longer an option. U13’s will typically have 1-2 practices a week and 1-2 games per week. Practices are assigned by the Raiders Hockey Club and practice days/times will vary throughout the week. Games are assigned by Hockey Calgary and game days/times will vary throughout the week. Practices schedules are released after the game schedule is released by Hockey Calgary. Tournament play, fundraising, cash calls, and other such items are decided at the team level.
Body Checking is not permitted at U11/U13. An option to participate in body checking hockey becomes available in U15.
At the U13 level and above, Hockey Canada imposes the following conditions in all co-ed team environments:
- Females and males will change in separate rooms
- Both genders shall congregate in one dressing room fully prepared to participate in the game/practice not more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time unless otherwise indicated (to be there earlier) by the coaching staff.
- The lesser represented gender shall depart the dressing room not more than 15 minutes after the game/practice unless otherwise indicated (to stay longer) by the coaching staff.
- The gender in the majority shall not begin changing, helmets, gloves and skates excepted, prior to the departure of the lesser represented gender.
- When necessary, due to facility limitations, dressing and showering shall be done in shifts with the gender in the majority dressing and showering first. Once the room with shower facilities has been fully vacated the lesser represented gender may use the shower facilities
U15 and U18 follow the same rules as U13, but add an option for Body Checking.
In the U15 and U18 age categories, Hockey Calgary will operate body checking Divisions 1-3 and non-body checking Divisions 1-4. At registration, players may indicate an interest to play on a Body Checking team, or to be excluded from Body Checking teams and participate only under Non-Body Checking divisions. Spots are limited in the Body Checking divisions and are filled based on player evaluations. Even if you register for Body Checking, you may be assigned to a Non-Body Checking team based on your evaluation performance. See Evaluation Guidelines for full details.
Raiders typically offers a Checking Clinic at a low fee in the month of September to help instruct those who are new to Body Checking. U15/U18’s will typically have 1-2 practices a week and 1-2 games per week. Practices are assigned by the Raiders Hockey Club and practice days/times will vary throughout the week. Games are assigned by Hockey Calgary and game days/times will vary throughout the week. Practices schedules are released after the game schedule is released by Hockey Calgary. Tournament play, fundraising, cash calls, and other such items are decided at the team level.
U21 (Junior C) is a competitive, body checking league, for players wishing to continue their hockey journey after community hockey. It is for players aged 18-21.
Players must register and try-out for Raider Junior C. Registration does not guarantee a roster spot.
Junior C’s will typically have 1 practice every two weeks and 2 games per week. Practices are assigned by the Raiders Hockey Club and practice days/times will vary throughout the week. Games are assigned by Hockey Calgary and game days/times will be Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Practices schedules are released after the game schedule is released by Hockey Calgary. Tournament play, fundraising, cash calls, and other such items are decided at the team level.
House League
North Central House League is a joint effort between Raiders Hockey Club and McKnight Hockey Association.
House league offers a relaxed hockey environment, with set schedules for families who do not wish to commit to the full community hockey schedule with little to no volunteer requirements. Playing in House League is not about talent or tiers, rather about the amount of time a family wishes to commit to the hockey season. Teams will be parity based, after 2 evaluation skates, to balance the teams as evenly as possible.
Each team will receive a total of 15 practices and 15 games, on set days and times and at set arenas. These details will be posted usually in late September or October.
No team fundraising is allowed. The purchase of ice for additional practices, exhibition games, and tournaments will not be permitted.
Although House League is touted as a ‘no volunteer’ league, minor hockey in any capacity is simply not possible without some volunteer efforts (Head and Assistant Coaches, Manager, Time Keepers, Penalty box attendants).
Head coaches must fulfill the same Hockey Alberta coach requirements as community hockey and teams cannot be formed or run without certificated coaches.
Participants will register with their respective hockey associations but the age group leagues will be run by McKnight (U9) and Raiders (U11).
Resources and Information:
- What Program Is Right for Me? (House or Community)
- NCHL Main Page
- Hockey Calgary Community Hockey League Operations Guide
- House League Registration & Additional Information
Intro to Hockey
Spring/Summer Programs
Information coming soon!