Fee Schedule
2024-25 Season | 2024 Early Fee | 2024 Regular Fee | |
Age Division | Birth Year | June 15 to July 31 | Aug 01 to Aug 31 |
U7 | 2018-2019 | $850.00 | $850.00 |
U9 | 2016-2017 | $1,300.00 | $1,500.00 |
U11 | 2014-2015 | $1,400.00 | $1,600.00 |
U13 | 2012-2013 | $1,500.00 | $1,700.00 |
U15 | 2010-2011 | $1,525.00 | $1,725.00 |
U18 | 2007-2008-2009 | $1,550.00 | $1,750.00 |
U21 | 2004-2005-2006 | $100 Try Out Fee $1,200.00/Season | $100 Try Out Fee $1,200.00/Season |
House League U9 | 2016-2017 | $825.00 | $825.00 |
House League U11 | 2014-2015 | $825.00 | $825.00 |
Refund Policy
Refunds will not be provided for missed games or for portions of the hockey season (this includes player suspensions). Once a player has been withdrawn, they will NOT be permitted to register again with Raiders Hockey Club until the following Hockey season.
To initiate a formal request for a registration fee refund, parents are required to email highlighting “REQUEST FOR REFUND” in the subject line, identifying the player involved, and explaining the reason for withdrawal. A review of the date and nature of the request will be completed.
It is acknowledged that extenuating circumstances can sometimes occur (e.g. player injuries, parent work transfers). If required, a doctor’s note will need to be emailed separately to . If the request is due to medical disablement a refund will be processed and returned to you within 30 days of your request.
- Successful Calgary Northstars Hockey Association player try-outs;
- Raiders Hockey Club-initiated player releases; or
- As deemed warranted by the Board of Directors due to extenuating circumstances.
- Unforeseen events, such as COVID-19, or other similar scenario’s, including the inability to use or access the necessary facilities, will result in a full refund minus un-recoverable costs to Raiders Hockey Club.
- Refunds will be considered for injuries with sufficient details provided on the injury (i.e. doctor’s note)
(We are no longer taking a $100 deposit)
Respect in Sports Parents
Respect in Sport for Parents provides information on a parent’s natural influence over their child, and the role they play in their child’s enjoyment of a sport or activity. The program also provides parents with tools to evaluate their own behaviour.
You are required to take the online course before you register online! It is a mandatory requirement for Hockey Calgary and without taking the course you will not be able to complete your online registration.
Click Here to take the Respect in Sport Course.
Yes all Respect In Sport Certifications are only valid for 4 years. If you took the course prior to 2019 you will need to recertify.
There is a $12.00 which the parent must pay.
You will need to log back into your Respect In Sport account and update your “Child Management” under your profile. and update your profile to link your children.
Yes if you took the RIS Parent Program through another sport like baseball, then you can transfer that information to your account. To transfer a certificate from another organization to Hockey Alberta’s parent program you will need to go to the Parent Respect in Sport Link . and follow the instructions.
If you require additional technical assistance with program operation or computer glitches please call the 24/7 Help Desk. The service is in both English and French.
Website: Respect in Sport Support
Interactive Community Map Links
Financial Aid Options
Families that require financial assistance may apply to one of the below stated programs. Hockey Calgary provides funding only through the Flames Even Strength Program application. You will be required to complete your FESP application online and submit it directly to Hockey Calgary.
FESP funding for 2023-24 is $700.00 and families are responsible to pay the difference in registration fees.
Hockey Calgary, KidSport , the Flames Foundation & Canadian Pacific have teamed up to support the Flames EvenStrength Program (FESP). This initiative helps to alleviate the cost of playing hockey for children in our community who face financial barriers to participating in organized sports. Since 1998, the program has distributed over $3,200,000 in support of local minor hockey players so they can play the game they love.
Please note that in order to apply for funding, your player(s) must already be registered with your hockey association.
The application link below for the 2023-2024 season will be activated on June 15th and the deadline to apply is October 15th. This is an online application only – no paper copies are provided.
Flames EvenStrength Application 2023-2024
For more information on funding, contact Pam Douglas at the Hockey Calgary office:
Please note that your financial assistance information is kept strictly confidential.
Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund
The Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund is a $1 million fund that has been created to provide help to Canadians experiencing financial challenges. The Assist Fund will provide up to $500 per player in registration fee subsidies to approved applicants who are registered with a Hockey Canada-sanctioned association, helping young Canadians get back on the ice in their communities.
To be eligible for funding for one or more children, families must first meet specific financial criteria as per Revenue Canada’s Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICO) chart. Jumpstart uses the furthest column to the right of the chart for eligibility. View LICO Chart:
Other Funding Requirements:
- Children must fall between the ages of 4 – 18 years old.
- Funding is allocated to sustained programs that involve a sport or physical activity.
- Programs should be a minimum of five weeks in duration and include at least one session per week. In the case of sports camps, the program must last at least five consecutive days for consideration.
This program is for low-income families requiring financial assistance with sport registration fees. Grants are awarded up to $300.00.
TGCA Bingo – The Fee Assistance Initiative:
Part of the TGCA’s purpose is to facilitate and increase our members’ quality of life and well being. One of the ways we do this is by offering opportunities for parents of children in TGCA-approved youth programs – sport, arts and other- to work shifts here at the centre at the bingo nights to subsidize their fees. This subsidy is often built into your child’s program’s/your team’s/your league’s agreement with the TGCA, and is reflected in your program/team fee total. If your child is registered in a program that the TGCA has approved to receive fee assistance, you can speak with the registrar or organizer about how exactly you can sign up for these bingo shifts, as each program coordinates this somewhat differently. The bingo shifts are on Sundays and Tuesdays, from 4:45 – 9:30 pm, and the value of each shift is $55.00 toward the approved program’s fees. You may work up to 5 shifts per child per season. Contact Lynne Cooke at for more information.
If you are approved for financial assistance and require equipment for your player/goalie you may request assistance through Comrie’s Sports Equipment Bank. Anyone that qualifies for the Flames Even Strength Program also qualifies for Comrie’s Sports Equipment Bank. Please contact for further information.
Elite Hockey Information
More information coming soon…
House League Registration & Information

The Flames Community House League is a partnership between the Calgary Flames organization, Hockey Calgary and our member associations. The goal is to provide recreational players the opportunity to play organized hockey that is affordable, fun and safe with moderate time commitments allowing for participation in other social, academic or recreational activities. It also provides players with limited skills and knowledge an introduction to the game in a less intimidating format.
The program is regionally based, offers participants a chance to play the great game of hockey with less time and travel commitments.
Although house is touted as a ‘no volunteer’ league, minor hockey is simply not possible without some volunteer efforts (Head and Assistant Coaches, Manager, Time Keepers, Penalty box attendants)
Participants will register with their respective hockey association but the age group leagues will be run by McKnight (U9) and Raiders (U11) respectively.
SORTING SKATES: Sorting skates (evaluations) will take place at the end of September (the exact date is TBA), location is TBA.
SEASON: Season will start the week of October 13th and end by mid March. There will be breaks with no games or practices during Christmas, Esso Minor Hockey Week (January 10-18) and during the House League Jamboree (February 21-23).
GAMES: You will have 1 game per week, scheduled on Sunday mornings. You will receive 15 games during the season.
PRACTICES: You will receive one practice per week. U9 House will practice on Tuesday evenings and U11 House will practice on Wednesday evenings. You will receive 15 practices during the season.
SCHEDULE: The schedule will be released right after the evaluation/sorting skates and will go from mid-October to mid-March.
ARENAS: Games and practices will be at one of 6 arenas. The arenas will vary as we cover a large geographic area and aim to be as fair as possible with regards to drive-times.
- Vivo (11950 Country Village Link NE)
- Huntington Hills Community Association (520 78 Ave NW)
- Thorncliffe-Greenview Community Centre (5600 Centre Street)
- Mount Pleasant Sportsplex (2408 6 Street NW)
- Crowfoot Arena (8100 John Laurie Blvd NW)
- Don Hartman Northeast Sportsplex (5206 68th Street NE)
FRIEND REQUEST: Friends request will be honoured to the best of our ability. All requests must be reciprocal (you need to request a friend and the friend MUST request you). One request per player and they will be accepted by the links (to be added soon).
U9: friend request
U11: friend request
- What Program Is Right for Me? (House or Community)
- Hockey Calgary Community Hockey League Operations Guide
- In this House League Program players will have fewer ice times, relatively fixed dates and times and less travel time.
- All teams will be balanced equally and play in one division.
- Players are sorted from both associations onto teams to make the numbers as even as possible. This means that the team your child is placed on may not be in their home association. As an example, if you registered with The Raiders your player could be placed on a team that may be based out of the McKnight arenas.
- We will be taking into consideration friend requests but cannot guarantee that they will end up on the same team.
- The season will run from approximately the beginning of October to the beginning of March.
- All teams will have one practice and one game per week, and the season will end with all teams playing in a tournament style playoff prior to the end of the season. Days and times will be fixed (as available ice allows) so that families can plan ahead with a reasonable knowledge of how their schedule will look.
- Both associations will charge a registration fee of $825.00 per player.
- Additional practice ice, tournaments and exhibition games beyond what the league provides will not be permitted.
- Both the U9 and U11 leagues will be sanctioned by Hockey Calgary and players will be properly registered and insured within Hockey Calgary.
- Demand is expected to be high and thus space will be provided on a first-come basis. Associations may have a maximum player allotment for this program to balance team sizes and may be required to waitlist your player.
- U9 (2016-2017) and U11 (2014-2015) divisions only.
- One practice per week, on a specific day. Ice times for the season will be based on which team you are placed on.
- One game per week on a Saturday or Sunday morning. House games will only be against other NCHL teams within the division.
- All games will be refereed.
- Ice times will be 60 minutes in length.
- Ice times will be scheduled for the entire season. Total of 30 ice times per season (15 practices and 15 games).
- Ice times will commence in October and end in March.
- Attempts will be made to balance each team. There will be no ranking of House teams.
- There will be player “sorting” at the beginning of the season which will be required to balance the House teams. Each association will make every effort to ensure that all teams consist of similar skilled players (outliers may be moved at set times during the season).
- Cash Calls will be limited only to the funding of team apparel, trophies/medals and team building events. No team fundraising is allowed. The purchase of ice for additional practices, exhibition games and tournaments will not be permitted.
- House teams will not be sanctioned to play in any tournaments (in Calgary or outside of Calgary) or any exhibition games.
- Ideal team size is 19 for U9 and 16 for U11.
- Friend requests are allowed, Associations will do their best to accommodate but cannot make any guarantees.
- Goalie rotation will be allowed in both U9 and U11, and associations will provide necessary goalie equipment for both age groups. [If you child wants to play goalie full time in U11, we will do our best to accommodate that; however, in this situation equipment will NOT be provided. The rotation of goalies in this program is to create additional interest as we see a city wide shortage in our younger age groups.]
- Teams will wear their association jerseys during all games.
- Socks and a team photo memory mate will be included in fees.
- Games will follow all Hockey Calgary Rules and games will adhere to the standard Hockey Canada Fair Play Codes.
- McKnight Hockey and The Raiders Hockey Club will support their House League teams. Volunteers may be required for the House League and each Association Volunteer Policy will apply to House League teams in the same manner as Minor Hockey teams.
- Coaching certification requirements are the same for House League and Community Hockey. Please refer to Hockey Calgary Coaching Requirements. [Requirements include Respect In Sport – Coach program (online), Safety program (online), Coach Stream, or equivalent (online and classroom/on-ice), Checking Skills for U11 ONLY (online and classroom/on-ice)]. Coach certification are reimbursable through the individual Hockey Association.
- Coaching selection will be managed through each association. If you are interested in coaching for a House team, please refer to your association website or contact your association for more details.
- In order for the House League to continue to move forward, we require a minimum of 16 players per team. Teams may be formed by combining registrations between the associations. We do reserve the right to cancel the House League if we do not meet this minimum registration requirements
Registration for the House League is the same as the Minor Hockey registration. Every Community District in Calgary is designated to a Hockey Calgary Community Hockey Association. If you do not know which Association you belong to, please refer to the Calgary Association List (found on the Hockey Calgary website, under the Registrations tab). Each Community Hockey Association website will also detail their online registration process. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Association registration contact listed below.
This is an optional program for U9 and U11 divisions only. You can elect to choose to play within the House League or the Minor Hockey League. Players are only able to participate in one league for the duration of the hockey season. Players may only change leagues between hockey seasons.
McKnight Hockey Association | |
Website: | |
Contact | Christina, McKnight Registrar |
Email |
The Raiders Hockey Club | |
Website: | |
| Lynne, Administrator |
Email |
Hybrid Goalie Information
This policy is in place to compliment and further detail the Hockey Calgary U11 ‘Hybrid Goalie’ Policy.
All U11 participants will be made aware of the Hockey Calgary U11 ‘Hybrid Goalie’ Policy and all interested participants will be given an opportunity to be a ‘Hybrid Goalie’ provided they meet all the necessary criteria as outlined in the Hockey Calgary U11 ‘Hybrid Goalie’ Policy.
In addition to the details outlined in the Hockey Calgary U11 ‘Hybrid Goalie’ Policy, any prospective and accepted ‘Hybrid Goalies’ must meet the Raiders criteria pertaining to the following:
Registration Procedure:
1. You must register as a U11 Hybrid Goalie. If you choose player not as a U11 Hybrid Goalie you will NOT be allowed to evaluate as a hybrid goalie
Evaluation Procedure:
1. All prospective ‘Hybrid Goalies’ will be evaluated as both a ‘Goaltender’ and a ‘Skater’ and will receive a minimum of 2 sessions at each position
2. Goalie Evaluations will consist of 1 Placement session and 1 Skills session
3. Player Evaluation will consist of 1 Time Trial and 1 Skills session
4. Following the 2 evaluation sessions at each position, prospective ‘Hybrid Goalies’ will either:
· Be informed that they will not meet the criteria and must choose to designate as either a ‘Goaltender’ or a ‘Skater’ for the season. The participant will proceed in any further evaluation process at the designated position.
· Continue to be evaluated at either or both positions at the discretion of the Coordinator/Committee. Note: Further evaluation does not mean that the participant has been approved as a ‘Hybrid Goalie’.
5. After all evaluations (at the discretion of the Evaluation Coordinator/Committee) have been completed, prospective ‘Hybrid Goalies’ will either:
· Be informed that they will not meet the criteria and must choose to designate as either a ‘Goaltender’ or a ‘Skater’ for the season.
· Be informed that that meet the criteria and will be an approved ‘Hybrid Goalie’ the season.
Team Placement:
1. The Association and Evaluations Coordinator/Committee will have sole discretion of Team Placement. Requests for team placement pertaining to position specific evaluations will not be considered (ex. If participant evaluates 1 division apart between ‘goaltender’ and ‘skater’, they will not be able to request one or the other).
2. The participant will not have input on team placement.
3. ‘Hybrid Goalie’ evaluation results will not be shared.
4. All efforts will be made to place ‘Hybrid Goalies’ on teams with other ‘Hybrid Goalies’.
Practices and Games:
1. The Association has sole discretion to determine the split, for games and practices, that a ‘Hybrid Goalie’ will dress as a ‘goaltender’ and a ‘skater’.
2. There will be a 50/50 split at each position (‘goaltender’ and ‘skater’), for practices and games, unless otherwise determined by the Association.
1. The Association has the discretion to place more than 2 ‘Hybrid Goalies’ on a team, which would impact the split (ex. Association can place 4 ‘Hybrid Goalies’ on a team, in which case the split may be 25/75, for games and practices, for appearances as a ‘goaltender’/’skater’).
2. When placing a ‘Full-time Goalie’ on a team with a ‘Hybrid Goalie’, the Association has the discretion to modify the split (ex. ‘Full-time Goalie’ dresses for 75% of games, ‘Hybrid Goalie’ split is 25/75, for games and practices, for appearances as a ‘goaltender’/’skater’).
Conditions of the ‘Hybrid Goalie’:
1. ‘Hybrid Goalies’ are required adhere to the ‘goaltender’/’skater’ schedule, for practices and games, as determined by the Association and head coach.
2. ‘Hybrid Goalies’ are required to commit to playing both positions for the season, unless otherwise approved by the Association.
Conditions of the Association and the Coach
1. The Head Coach is required to keep a log/record, for practices and games, documenting each instance in which the ‘Hybrid Goalie’ has dressed as a ‘goaltender’ and as a ‘skater’.
2. The Head Coach is required to maintain the ‘goaltender’ and ‘skater’ split, as determined and outlined by the Association.
I am a RETURNING RAIDERS MEMBER AND Ready to Register with Raiders
- Review the Raiders Hockey Club Volunteer Policy and the Discipline/ Conduct Policy .
- Registration
- In order to register you will need to have a valid Respect In Sport Certificate
- In order to register you will need to know your players Hockey Canada ID.
- If you do not know your player Hockey Canada ID please click here .
I am NEW TO HOCKEY or NEW PLAYER IN MY FAMILY that has never registered with Any Hockey Association before.
- Review the Raiders Volunteer Policy and Discipline/Conduct Policy .
- Complete the Respect In Sport Course. You will NOT be able to register until the course is complete – Respect In Sport Course . Please Choose Raiders Hockey Club.
- Email the following information:
- Picture of the player’s birth certificate or passport for proof of age.
- Picture of proof of residency x2 (See below for list of acceptable items)
- Once all of the above information is received the Raiders Hockey Club Administrators will send you a link to register your player.
Acceptable Proof of Residence Items
- Utility bill in your name (Cell Phone bills are not acceptable)
- Proof of Community School Enrolment
- Current GST Statement or Income Tax Assessment
- Homeowner/Rental Insurance statement (If moving prior to the start of the Season, a signed purchase/rental agreement with possession date. If moving to a home under construction – a signed builder agreement with possession date.)
*** Please note that a Property Tax bill and Driver License will not be accepted as Proof of Residence***
I have played with another association.
- Review the Raiders Volunteer Policy and Discipline/Conduct Policy .
- Email the following information:
- Picture of the player’s birth certificate or passport for proof of age.
- Picture of proof of residency x2 (See below for list of acceptable items)
- The Raiders Hockey Club Administrator will then request a transfer to Raiders. An email confirmation will be sent confirming the request has been made.
- The Raiders Hockey Administrators will contact you when the transfer is complete and you are able to register with the Raiders Hockey Club.
Acceptable Proof of Residence Items
- Utility bill in your name (Cell Phone bills are not acceptable)
- Proof of Community School Enrolment
- Current GST Statement or Income Tax Assessment
- Homeowner/Rental Insurance statement (If moving prior to the start of the Season, a signed purchase/rental agreement with possession date. If moving to a home under construction – a signed builder agreement with possession date.)
*** Please note that a Property Tax bill and Driver License will not be accepted as Proof of Residence***